Week 2: Digging into Caucuses, Section 5

How Caucuses Work          Straw Polls            Caucuses versus Primaries            Past Caucuses            Caucus Timeline          Week 2-Discussions

Caucus Timeline-A year to 2016 Presidential Elections 


Brief snapshot of Caucuses Timeline

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The A year to the Presidential elections ------ decision to hold caucuses made by both Democratic and Republican National Committees.

January 24, 2015. The Iowa Freedom Forum (Cong. Steve King) was held. Other later “unofficial events” that feature potential presidential contenders follow.

March 7, 2015: The Iowa Agriculture Summit was held Saturday, March 7, 2015 to educate Presidential candidates and the news media about agricultural policy and issues.

April 2015: Conservative evangelical Christian leaders organize an event for conservative Republican candidates.

August, 2015: Normally a straw poll would've held by Republicans but the party decided to eliminate the poll because it came under so much criticism and the 2016 Republican contenders were balking about the cost and distraction.

July, 2016: Each party selects a candidate for President and Vice President at their respective summer conventions. At this point the candidate selection process is over.

July-November 8, 2016: Debates between the Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates of each party take place. Tuesday, November 8, 2016. The General election takes place.


December 2016: On the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December, the electors cast their ballots for President and Vice President in their home state.

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Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the interviews in this course are of the participants. This course, including the instructor, does not endorse any political party, candidate or ideology.