About the Course


Iowa Presidential Caucus MOOC

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target_red.pngCourse goals:

After taking this course you will:

  • Understand the history of US Presidential candidate selection.
  • Become familiar with how and why the old process was transformed into primaries and caucuses.
  • Have knowledge of some of the most interesting caucuses.
  • Become knowledgeable about the importance of the media in shaping the caucuses event.
  • Become aware of the future of the US Presidential selection process and the future of the Iowa caucuses.

 New-Head.pngCourse expectations:

As a learner you are expected to engage with the content (view videos, read articles, take self-learning quizzes) and participate in weekly discussions and learn from your fellow participants. You are also expected to follow proper netiquette and refrain from any inappropriate behavior.


There are basic netiquettes Links to an external site. that participants are encouraged to follow. Please review these Links to an external site. as you participate in Discussions.

Course-Procedures-.pngCourse procedures

This is a self-paced four week course. You can begin with any week and any topic of your choice.

Discussion Forum: Each week has a dedicated discussion forum with pointer questions to help you start a conversation. The forums will be facilitated and moderated. You cannot participate in discussion after the course ends.

Self-Learning Quizzes are spread throughout the course to practice and test your evolving understanding about the caucuses. These quizzes are not graded.

Weekly topics are shown below:


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ICons_Nav-2.pngCourse Navigation

The left navigation menu has the most essential components of the course.

Additionally, there is a footer on each page with essential buttons to help you reach the various portions of the course. Inside each week, there are links at the top of the page to help you navigate through the weekly sections and discussions.



Small_meet-your-instructor.pngMeet your Instructor

This course is facilitated by  Dr. Steffen Schmidt, University Professor of political science at Iowa State University. He grew up in Colombia, South America and has studied in Switzerland and France. Dr. Schmidt obtained his doctorate from Columbia University, New York, in public law and government. He has published six books and over 70 articles in scholarly journals, and is the recipient of numerous prestigious teaching prizes, including the Amoco Award for Lifetime Career Achievement in Teaching and the Teacher of the Year Award. To learn more about him explore Meet your Instructor section.

Readings-.pngCourse materials

Reasonable accommodations have been made to make the course materials accessible for varied learners.


Each week includes 10-15 minute length audio/video interviews with experts on the Iowa Caucuses  from academia, media and political arena. There are also other related features and documentaries for you to explore. Most videos are close captioned.


Each week has readings that you are encouraged to read. The readings are formatted to provide you with a brief overview and links to download the full article. There are three formats of the same reading available for download-a word file, text file and a PDF version.

Self-learning Quizzes

Each section of the course has a practice quiz. These are not graded and only sharpen your growing understanding of the Iowa Caucuses. 

 Certificate-of-Participation.pngCertificate of Participation

You will be awarded Certificate of Participation for taking this course. Download the certificate by clicking on the link on each week main page, enter your name and print or save it on your computer for your record. 

Supported-Browsers-1.pngTechnical Specifications

Canvas Orientation

Please review the Canvas Orientation to familiarize yourself with, Canvas, the learning platform of this course.

Canvas Accessibility Statement

Canvas provides a user experience that is easy, simple, and intuitive. Special attention has been paid to making Canvas screen-readable. The Rich Content Editor encourages users to create accessible content pages (i.e. text formatting is accomplished using styles). Canvas is designed to allow limited customization of colors and schemes to be accessible for all users. The National Federation of the Blind granted Canvas the Gold Level Web Certification in 2010.  Find more information by visiting the Canvas Accessibility information page Links to an external site. on our website.

Supported Browsers 

Find out what browsers work best for this course Links to an external site. (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer).


The Canvas UI was optimized for desktop displays but can be used on mobile browsers and we do provide free apps for some mobile devices. Try the iOS and Android free Mobile Apps! 


The course and related materials do not endorse any political party, candidate or ideology. The views and opinions expressed in the interviews in this course are of the participants. Professor Schmidt is politically independent and does not endorse any party or candidate in any elections. His analysis of campaigns in Iowa is based upon his meticulous research, analysis of polls, focus groups, and interviews with likely caucus attendees and media. 

Small_Help_Fourm.pngHelp Forum

If you have any questions or concerns, you may go through the Frequently Asked Questions or leave a comment in the Help Forum. Your questions will be addressed within 48 hours.








Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the interviews in this course are of the participants. This course, including the instructor, does not endorse any political party, candidate or ideology.