Week 2: Digging into Caucuses


Week 2-Introductory Video ( 2:12 minutes)


This week covers:

  • The role of the McGovern-Fraser Commission reforms.
  • The objectives of changing the Presidential candidate selection process.
  • The ways Democrats and Republicans decide to coordinate their caucuses.
  • Differences between the Democratic and Republican Party candidate preference process.

To learn more, click on the section of your choice in the right column.



  1. How Caucuses work
  2. Iowa Straw Polls
  3. Caucuses versus Primaries
  4. Past Caucuses
  5. Caucus Timeline

IConsFinal_CertificateOf-1.pngDark_grey_line-1.png Certificate of Participation 







Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the interviews in this course are of the participants. This course, including the instructor, does not endorse any political party, candidate or ideology.