Week 3: Role of Media and Technology


Week 3-Introductory Video (3:06 minutes)


This week covers:

  • The significance of the caucuses as a “media event.”
  • Communication theory's account of the visibility and significance of the Iowa Caucuses
  • Humor and sometimes mockery of the caucus process
  • Impact of communications technology including social media before and during the presidential caucuses
To learn more, click on the section of your choice in the right column.



  1. News Media and the Caucuses
  2. Political Communication
  3. Caucus Humor
  4. Technology Impacting Campaigns

IConsFinal_CertificateOf-1.pngDark_grey_line-1.png  Certificate of Participation







Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the interviews in this course are of the participants. This course, including the instructor, does not endorse any political party, candidate or ideology.