Week 3: Role of Media and Technology, Section 3

News Media and Caucuses            Political Communication            Caucus Humor           Technology Impacting Campaigns          Week 3- Discussions

Caucus Humor

Brief snapshot of Caucus Humor

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A major event such as the Iowa caucuses will generate humor. The Iowa caucuses are no exception.One source of jokes are the politicians and their horde of assistants who descend on Iowa every four years.

Former Democratic Vermont Government Howard Dean was so excited at the end of the caucuses in 2004 when he came in third that at his headquarters in Des Moines he gave a passionate speech that ended with his famous Dean Scream, which generated endless jokes.

Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum wore a sweater vest during his 2012 campaign, which was noted by comedians and the media, because he often wore it with no jacket, thus making for an unusual look.

Cartoonists have had a lot of fun with Iowa because they can draw in hay, barns, pigs, barns and other agricultural themes. They have also made fun of the fact that Iowan’s take their responsibility to inform themselves about candidates so seriously that they think they can save America

Iowa grows corn, soybeans, hogs, cattle, chickens, eggs, and turkeys. During a farm income crisis in 1988, Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis campaigning in Iowa suggested that farmers grow arugula which is an exotic green for salads that Iowan’s had never heard of and were not about to grow. Dukakis also went into a cornfield to talk about the drought and farm crisis but the corn in that field was not only healthy and very tall but it was far taller than Dukakis, which diminished his stature so to speak, as a candidate.


Civil rights leader Jesse Jackson ran for President in a three-piece suit and at one event was handed a tiny, pink piglet which he held away from his suit and made a classic picture from Iowa.

Texas Governor Rick Perry was advocating eliminating three departments from the federal government during a debate in 2012 but could not remember the third one and ended with “ooops!”, which became an Iowa Caucus classic. 

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