Introducing Week 6
This week runs from 16th February - 22nd February 2015
You will need to:
- Watch the Video: Journey: Episode 6: Journey's End
- Join the Discussion: Week 6 - Journeys End
- Work through the section Recovery And Resilience
- and the section Managing Difficult Situations
- Repeat the MICA -4 Scale from Week 1 and join the Discussuion: Week 6 - MICA-4 Scale
- Watch the Video Interview: Clinical Expert: Dr Russell Razzeque Endings And Recovery
- Work through the section Closure And Endings
- Watch the Video Interview: Clinical Expert: Ben Thomas Interview, Department Of Health
- Undertake the End of Course Self-Test
nb. Sections marked as Advanced are set at a level that may require previous knowledge and understanding of Mental Health.