Video: Journey: Episode 4: Crisis Point


Week 4

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 For most of us communication skills and dealing with people day to day is a natural and normal thing. This week we have looked at ways of becoming more effective in terms of communication skills, especially in a care or therapeutic context. However, when we deal with people who are mentally ill we may encounter confusion and distress, and a person who is unable to communicate in ways we would normally expect. How can we use the more advanced skills to help in these situations?

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In this episode we would like you to particularly look at the communication strategies being used by the different characters. Remember that these people are actors and so their actions and behaviours may not be perfectly true to life. You are free to comment on this too if you spot anything you think is incorrect!

 You can download a copy of the script for this video Download here


tab.png Cast List

  • Carol Price
  • Carol Prices's Husband: Martin Price
  • Carol Price's Daughter: Jackie Price 
  • Shop Owner
  • Policewoman
  • Policeman
  • Doctor