Firstly, we make sheets of metal with a very precise and lengthy process. Markets may or may not use these as an end product.
The metal sheets that need to made into specific shapes and items are processes in the stamping industry.

Metal stamping parts manufacturers use metal sheets and apply extremely large amount of pressure on them. Large machines called the stamping tools mould the sheets into the desired shape and figures of metal stamping parts.
The weight or the punch presses force onto the very solid die surface, with the sheet scrap or product parts extracted out. It either makes the metal sheet into a molded item, or into some hollow part.
We do a few types of processes to get the metal sheet stamped parts.
- Forming:
In this process we often apply a large amount of force onto the sheet by the punch, only enough to mould the sheet.
We do these are mostly to get the steel sheet round, curved or bent at certain angles.
We see this technique commonly used in the cars panels, frames of vehicles and crafts, also the shelves and cabinets in our houses.
- Blanking:
In this technique, as the name suggests, we cut out a piece from the metal sheet and make a hollow space or black inside it.
The piece which we cut out of the metal sheet is the blank. Therefore, we can cut out a variety of shapes on our sheet.
You may often see this technique in the making of automobile parts, plumbing equipment, steel furniture, household material, as well as the house building material. This method also makes many sharp medical tools for operations and cuttings.
This method is very cost-effective as you can easily produce a large number of identical pieces from one mould punching pin.
- Drawing:
This is one of most complicated techniques we have in the sheet metal stamping industry.
The drawing process requires the punch to put precisely measured pressure on specific parts of the sheet. This precise pressure makes indentation into the sheet. These pressured depressions in the sheet make a pattern and hence a design.
We use this design onto metal in the surface of many metal products, steel sinks, automobile hoods, aircrafts, household item like plant pots and decoration pieces. Its wider use is in the making of covering of electronics etc.
- Piercing:
This is the process that is very similar to the blanking process.
But this process uses the metal sheet that has been pierced as the end product, unlike in the blanking process. In blanking we use the pieces pierced as the product, but in piercing, the pieces pierced are the waste.
The sheets are pierced; they may have a pattern in them with the piercings.
Many products use this technique; the most common example is the washing spinners inner metal with holes to drain water.
You may also see it in the drainage covers, sinks, stove covers, benches and many electronics.
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