Organization Tools Self Report

  • Due Nov 10, 2013 at 10:59pm
  • Points 10
  • Questions 1
  • Available after Oct 28, 2013 at 12pm
  • Time Limit None


Pick one of the following activities:

Assignment Option #1

If you're not already familiar with hashtags, read this wikipedia hashtag explanation. Explore different hashtags on Diigo and Delicious. If you're not sure what to look for, here's a list of the best education hashtagsReport on your findings!

Assignment Option #2

Begin to gather bookmarks on one of the sites. How user friendly is the site? How easily are you able to add bookmarks? Would you distribute this to your students? How would that work with your chosen site? Report on your findings!

Assignment Option #3

Using a tool you feel is most appropriate, create a repository of resources for a student project. Share the repository

Assignment Option #4

Using a tool you feel is most appropriate, gather your own resources on a topic of your choosing. Report on the tool chosen and ease of use.

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