Open Author: Write

Creating Your Prototype in Open Author 

Please view this video (3:33 minutes) on how to create your prototype in Open Author. The process of how to import the Design Proposal you drafted in Module 4 into Open Author is reviewed. Follow the instructions below the video to launch Open Author.

Launch Open Author

To launch Open Author within OER Commons, please follow the following instructions:

1. Select "Create" on the OER Commons navigation menu Links to an external site.:

Open Author New Navigation a.png

2. Select "Start Authoring" under Open Author Links to an external site. to launch Open Author. Please do NOT use Lesson Builder (geared to K12) or Module Builder (geared to Higher Ed).

Open Author New Navigation b-1.png

The Open Author Interface

The figure below depicts the "Write" tab within Open Author. The numbers identify important interface tools for developing your prototype.

Open Author Toolbar-2.png

  1. Title, Save, Preview: Once your document is titled, you can save and preview it.
  2. Import from Google Docs: As described in the video above, the fastest way to get underway with developing your prototype is to import your Design Proposal from Google Docs. 
  3. Menu Bar: The menu bar in Open Author provides basic text editing functions, such as bullet and number list, adding tables, and aligning text.
  4. Editing your lesson: Once you have imported your Design Prototype, you are ready to edit your lesson by developing your lesson materials. Parts 1: Lesson Description won't change significantly between your Design Proposal and Prototype. However, you should spend most of your effort developing the necessary materials and resources for your instructional activities in Part 2: Lesson, and updating Part 3: Supplementary Material and References to reflect the references and resources you included in your prototype.
  5. The Table of Contents: Note how the heading structure dictates how your Table of Contents is developed. Please use the heading protocols as displayed within the Design Guide.
  6. Link: Use this feature to add a link to a website or other online resource.
  7. Insert Media: Please view the section of this module that addresses how to insert media in Open Author.
  8. Reference: Open Author offers a convenient way to cite and reference (as footnotes) the resources you use in your lesson. 
  9. Next Step: When you are done drafting your prototype, move to the next tab to describe your lesson by clicking on "Next Step: Describe".