Open Author: Adding Media

How To Add Media: Open Author

To extend your prototype beyond text in Open Author, you have the ability to include media from the following file types using the "Insert Media" button on the toolbar. 

  • Image files (.jpg, .png, .gif)
  • Audio files (.mp3)
  • Video files (.mpg, .wmv, mp4, .flv)
  • Documents (.pdf, .doc, .docx, .ppt, etc) 

As described in the Help function within Open Author, media is added at the location of your cursor when you click the ‘Insert Media’ button. You can add media by either uploading a file from your computer, or inserting media from a website. Note that if the license on a YouTube video does not allow for it to be embedded, the video will not be displayed in your resource. In addition, .doc and .pdf files can only be attached to your resource as files for other users to download. If you want to insert the text of a document into your Open Author resource, you need to copy and paste the document's content into Open Author. 

How to Insert Media: A Video Demonstration

The following video (8:31 minutes) demonstrates how to add three types of media, including images, video, and a document. The process is similar for the other supported media file types.