Find and Share Open Educational Resources

Open Educational Resource (OER) Repositories

To help us find and share open educational resources for our lessons, we have begun to curate a roster of OER repositories. The following describes how you can find and share OER.

1. Finding OER

The following table is a roster of OER repositories Links to an external site. that include resources the course designers, subject matter experts, and facilitators have shared, as well as resources shared by course participants (see form below to share your favorite OER repositories). Please note that not all repositories have truly open resources (i.e. Libre - open licensing to reuse / modify versus Gratis - free to use). Unfortunately, due to restrictive copyright provisions, some of the resources in this repositories are too “locked down” (hence, not usable) for our purposes. Make sure that as you browse these repositories that you always check the licensing description on each resource you review.


2. Share OER

To facilitate the process of sharing OER, we have created an OER source form Links to an external site. where you can add repositories that you find. As you find resources, please add them to our roster by typing in the form below, and clicking "Submit". The resource you submit using this form will then appear in the OER repository above after you refresh this page within your browser (note: it takes a minute or two for the resource to appear in the list).