Copyright and Creative Commons
Module 2: Part 2 - Open Licensing
Copyright: Overview
Now that you have identified the scope of your lesson, the learning objectives and associated standard(s), and potential assessment strategies you need to determine whether or not materials already exist that meet, are close to, or exceed your goal(s), or if you need to create the entire lesson from scratch. In this part of Module 2 we will take a brief tour of finding, reusing, and remixing openly licensed materials in general before discussing open educational resources, specifically.You may already be familiar with copyright in a variety of contexts including in business, higher education, K12, and Adult Education. You may also already be familiar with, or at least heard of, open licenses and Creative Commons.
Copyright: Our Focus
This section is not meant to be a comprehensive manual regarding copyright and open licenses, but instead an overview with signposts to relevant and important information for further investigation. If you feel you are already quite familiar with copyright and open licenses you may skip this part, although we strongly encourage you to at least engage with the reflection questions. If you are not so familiar, or have never considered these topics, please continue reading. The purpose of this section is to familiarize you with open licenses, specifically the four Creative Commons license conditions and should take approximately 20-30 minutes to complete.