Week 1: History of Caucuses


Week 1-Introductory Video (1:58 minutes)


This week covers:

  • How political bosses dominated early Presidential selection process.
  • The importance of the 1968 Democratic Convention in shaping modern campaigns
  • How racial unrest and Vietnam War stimulated campaign reforms.

To learn more, click on the section of your choice in the right column.



  1. History of Presidential Nominations
  2. Origin and History of Iowa Caucuses
  3. Journey of Prominent Caucus Winners- The Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama Story

IConsFinal_CertificateOf-1.pngDark_grey_line-1.png Certificate of Participation 







Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the interviews in this course are of the participants. This course, including the instructor, does not endorse any political party, candidate or ideology.