Adventures in Learning Design, Technology, and Innovation

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In this massive online learning opportunity (MOLO), we will explore concepts related to learning design, technology and innovation. In the format of a fun 5-week adventure, we will strive to develop a practical and experiential understanding of pedagogy, learning theory, learning design with technology, and innovation.


  1. Watch the MOOC/LDTIMOLO Tour video that I created to help you get started. Note that this is different than the video in the Getting Started with Canvas video. Links to an external site. 
  2. View the #LDTIMOLO Tour Video Transcript Links to an external site. if needed. 
  3. Complete course orientation modules Get Started with Canvas & #LDTIMOLO Getting Started Resources
  4. Start Adventure 1: Introductions and Strategies for Success
  5. Prepare for #Ldtimolo Hangout For Week 1 (September 9, 5:00 7:00pm MST)



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