Badgr Overview


The Badgr Platform

Inside and outside of Canvas, Badgr is a free and open source platform for issuing and collecting Open Badges, displaying them and tracking user achievements.  

Collect Badges

Anyone who has earned a Badgr badge, in a Canvas course or elsewhere, may sign up for free at Links to an external site. and use its backpack feature to store and share the badges they've earned to social networks like Facebook and LinkedIn. The backpack can store and manage badges issued from any Open Badges-compliant issuer on the web. Badge earners can take their badges on the go with the iOS Links to an external site. or Android Links to an external site. mobile app.

Issue Badges

Users can also set up a free issuer profile to issue their own badges for achievements they want to recognize for others. Award badges to any recipient with an email address right from the Badgr service, or connect Badgr to your Canvas courses to award badges to students.


Integrating Badgr with your Instructure-hosted or self-hosted Canvas instance is free and easy. It typically takes just a few minutes and can be installed at the course or account level. Badgr can be integrated with a variety of platforms.


Badgr can be customized to suit your organization's needs. Concentric Sky has a team of highly skilled developers who can add the features you need for your badging program to be successful. Badgr also offers a white label product so companies and schools can offer a branded experience for a community of users.

Open API

For complete control over your own issuing environment, Badgr Server is available open source as a Python/Django application on GitHub Links to an external site..

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