Deteriorating Patient: Assessment, Recognition and Management
Welcome 2018 course
The Deteriorating Patient: Assessment, Recognition and Management. The course follows the journey of Mr Gary Mitchell. You will see Gary in a series of videos and watch his journey interacting with health care professionals. You will have an opportunity to reflect upon his care and recognise the importance of responding to ever changing situations as someone's health deteriorates.
Anyone is welcome to join the MOOC and you will see that we have coded the course material as 'Universal' for those parts everyone should be able to undertake, and 'Advanced' for those who already have some knowledge and expertise in patient care.
Getting Started
Please take some time getting used to the site. There is a Getting Started section that contains more information on the Course and the Course Structure. It also contains information about what is expected of you as a participant. There is also information provided by the Canvas team about how to use the Canvas site and the various tools you will find here.
The Main Menu will always be on the left of the screen. You should see: Home | Announcements | Chat | Discussions | Modules | People
We will use the Announcements section to keep you updated with important news as the course progresses. The Chat function will be used when we schedule live question and answer sessions with the course team. Each week is a Module, and you will find details of the eight modules in this section. The People menu item leads to information about the People on the course with you. It only shows information they have agreed to make public.