Optional exercise 2 - week 3
- Due No Due Date
- Points 0
This assignment is optional
(Estimated time: 20 mins)
Take a look at the list of sources of OERs below. The (optional) assignment is to input to the tricider to share any experience you may have of using any sources on the list or if you know of others.
Add locations where you can find OER here and you can see the contributions of your fellow learners: http://www.tricider.com/admin/2heuol8UWpp/6THT3ShIGOv Links to an external site.
-Open Textbooks
- http://open.umn.edu (Links to an external site.)
- http://open.bccampus.ca/ (Links to an external site.)
- https://openstaxcollege.org/ (Links to an external site.)
-Open Interactive Simulations
-Open Chemistry
-Open Courseware
-Open courses from the Open Education Consortium
As most material you will find on the internet will not be published to be available for reuse, you will need to know what you can use, and under which conditions. This is detailed in the Creative Commons licences in the links below. Also, you need to decide under which licence you are going to publish your material.
- Creative Commons - What is it?
- Creative Commons - Choose your licence