How do I do that? Tips, Tools, and Tricks for this course


We have some different assignments and tools that you'll be expected to do/use in this course.

Here's an overview of some, so that you can navigate them easily. Feel free to come back here and check this out if you have any questions!


ā€œQuestion Mark - Day 35/365 Links to an external site.ā€ by Adreanna Moya Photography Links to an external site. is licensed under CC BY 2.0



noun_364832.pngWhat are Learning Journals?

Learning Journals are meant to help you interact with the information and with your fellow students. They present questions to help you apply the material to your own life, and also to help you interact with your classmates. There will be people from all over the world. What an amazing opportunity to get to know others and their perspectives!


In order to have a complete discussion, we ask that you reply to at least two other students, but feel free to respond more. Remember that replying is actually responding. One word answers isn't a reply. Try some of the following sentence starters if you are having trouble:

  • I agree with you because...
  • I disagree with you because...
  • I like how you said...because...
  • I had a similar experience...

Remember that it's perfectly fine to disagree, but to do it respectfully and explain why. There are a lot of interesting topics to discuss in this course and a lot of different perspectives. Yours is just as important and we want to hear from you!

Media Replies

As you'll see in some of the other tabs, Canvas offers multi media options for replying to Learning Journals and submitting Projects. You may submit audio recordings, videos, and images. Feel free to be creative in how you respond! If you would rather submit a recording of you discussing the question or to make a video demonstrating something you've seen in your own life, feel free! Check out the Canvas Media tab to see how to use some of them, or you may upload your own content or link from YouTube. Just remember that all content should be appropriate in an educational setting (no inappropriate language, violence, etc. If you wouldn't show it to a teacher, you shouldn't post it!) and should not be taken from other sources without citing (saying where it comes from) and linking the information. 


BlendspaceBlendspace is a tool that helps create a collage of resources. You'll see this in some of your research. All you have to do is select the icon in the bottom right corner, to start a slideshow that will then lead you from resource to resource. If it is a website, it will open the site in a separate window. 

Some of the slides will also allow you to interact with or comment on the material. Just follow the instructions.