Canvas User Orientation

Welcome to Canvas Network.

Below you'll find links and tutorials containing useful information for getting started with your course. We especially recommend looking through these links if you are new to Canvas Network.

Remember that you can always find additional information in the Canvas Guides Links to an external site..



  • Update Your Profile All new Canvas users should read this information. Click on your name at the top right corner to view your profile at any time!
  • Update Your Notification Preferences Canvas can send you Notifications about course activities to your email, and your cell phone. Read the information found by clicking the link, then go to Settings in the top right corner to customize your Notification preferences.
  • Search Canvas Guides Find helpful information! Canvas Guides provide you with all the information you need to use Canvas.
  • Read the Canvas Network Code of Conduct Find out how you can promote a safe learning environment.

Getting Started in Canvas Network (EN) Links to an external site. from Canvas LMS Links to an external site. on Vimeo Links to an external site.