Organizing Foundational and Supporting Content
- Due No Due Date
- Points None
Curating content, whether it is developed by you or from publishers or shared by others on the web, is important to help students be able to prioritize their work. When you have a finite amount of time, everything can't be equally important.
What do your students need to meet the learning outcomes?
Review your learning outcomes on your Course Map and consider the following questions.
- What content do students need to know to successfully meet this learning outcome based on the assessments you have designed? (Differentiating between what they need to know - foundational knowledge and skills - and what would be nice for them to know - supplemental knowledge and skills - is the first step in prioritizing content development.)
- What types of content will students use to learn what they need to know? (Are you leveraging multiple types of content?)
- visual or graphic
- video
- text-based
- audio
- Does the content have interaction built in? If not, how could you add interaction through an activity or assignment?
- Is the content accessible for students with disabilities? If not, what sort of accommodation will you need to make?
- Is it legal by copyright to use?
This assignment is not required as part of the badge. It is a thought exercise for your own use.