Open Author: Describe
Describe: Overview
After you have completed the authoring of your lesson, the next fields you must complete describe the resources for others. When you move to the "Describe" tab within Open Author, be prepared to complete data entry fields that are shown below. Note that these fields are included in Part 1: Lesson Description of your prototype.
Within the provided text box, copy your abstract from your lesson. The abstract should be a short written summary of your lesson to help others find your lesson during a search that summarizes your purpose and goals. Target a very brief paragraph.
General Subjects
The available list of general subjects includes the main subject areas covered in the lesson. At a minimum, including either English Language Arts or Mathematics. These are the main subject areas of the GED. Additional subject areas can be used refine the scope, if applicable. OER commons offers the following options: Applied Science, Arts and Humanities, Business and Communication, Career and Technical Education, Education, English Language Arts, History, Humanities, Law, Life Science, Mathematics, Mathematics and Statistics, Physical Science, Science and Technology, Social Science.
Primary User
The selected primary users should include the primary intended audience. For our purposes, please select “Teacher”. Additional options include: Student, Teacher, Administrator, Parent, Other.
Educational Use
The selected education use should include “Curriculum/Instruction”. Additional options include: Assessment, Professional Development, Other, Informal Education.
The selected level should include “Adult Education”. In addition, please include the corresponding grade level.
The selected language should include “English”. In addition, please include any additional language(s), if applicable. Hold down "Control", or "Command" on a Mac, to select more than one.
Material Type
The selected material type should include “Instructional Material”. If applicable, additional options include: Activities and Labs Assessments, Audio Lectures, Case Study Data Full Course Games Homework and Assignments Images and Illustrations Instructional Material Interactive Lecture Notes Lesson Plans Module Primary Source Readings Reference Resource Review Simulations Specimen Student Guide Syllabi Teaching and Learning Strategies Textbooks Unit of Study Video Lectures Other.
Learning Goals
Within the provided text boxes, copy your learning goals from your lesson. In contrast to the learning outcomes and objectives, the learning goals broadly define what the learner should be able to achieve when the lesson is complete. In other words, what skills and knowledge do you want your participants to learn as a result of the lesson? Again, think of the purpose and learning goals as a target to be reached or achieved. A guideline is to have 3 to 5 learning goals per lesson.
- Designers for Learning
- Adult Education
- Applicable CCRS citations (e.g. RI/RL.9-10.1)
- [Other words or short phrases to help define the content of the lesson]
As described on the OER Commons website, providing descriptive information about your lesson such as keywords greatly increases its discoverability, because their system uses these descriptors to find relevant resources when users search for materials. To help track resources created for this course, please include “Designers for Learning”, “Adult Education”, and the applicable CCRS citations (e.g. RI/RL.9-10.1), as well as other additional words or short phrases to help define the content of the lesson.
Educational Standards
OER Commons is working to include the College and Career Readiness Standards (CCRS) standards into their system, but as of the start of this course the CCRS standards are not available. Therefore, please use the Common Core State Standards as they are a close match to the CCRS that align with your lesson. While not a perfect match, the goal is to increases the discoverability of your lesson for those searching for instructional materials.