Prototype Requirements
Design Prototype: Overview
In the first four modules of this course, we considered the characteristics and needs of adult basic education students and educators, the standards used to assess adult learning, the potential of using and adapting existing open educational resources (OER), and important components of designing instruction, such as articulating objectives, defining the scope and purpose, and using sound instructional principles. In addition, you put that knowledge into action by developing the first draft of your design within a written Design Proposal.
In this module, you will develop a prototype of your lesson materials based on your Design Proposal. In particular, you will focus on developing the needed instructional materials to support the lesson you designed in Part 2 of the Design Proposal. After you complete your prototype in this module, your prototype will be part of a round of formative evaluation in Module 6 in which you will gain self, peer, and facilitator feedback. Before you begin your development work on the prototype, it is a good idea to review the material in Module 6 to see the formative evaluation criteria.
Project Requirements: In Review
You are asked to develop open educational resources for Adult Education based on the following project requirements:
- The instructional materials you design and develop will support adult learners who have not completed high school, and are taking adult basic education courses as they prepare for high school equivalency exams (i.e. the GED, HiSET, or TASC tests) or other adult basic education certifications.
- The instruction you design will align with the College and Career Readiness Standards (CCRS) that underly high school equivalency exams and other adult basic education programs.
- You are able to select the intended grade level and topic of the instruction from the following subject areas:
- English Language Arts and Literacy, including History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical subjects, and
- Mathematics
- The instructional materials you design and develop will:
- conform to the project's Design Guide Links to an external site.,
- incorporate guidance for the instructor implementing the lesson,
- include all necessary content presentation, learner practice, and assessment materials for 15-30 minutes of instruction on the standard and topic you have chosen.
- Instructional materials published for use in Adult Learning Zone group on OER Commons Links to an external site.will be licensed under a Creative Commons copyright license Links to an external site. as free open educational resources (OER). To ensure the broadest use of your work, we request that you select a Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license Links to an external site..
Prototype Requirements: Design Guide
As with your Design Proposal, the instructional materials you develop in your prototype need to conform to the Design Guide Links to an external site. that was prepared to assist you in creating a lesson that meets the project requirements and the instructional need. As you know from working with the Design Guide in prior modules, there are three parts, including (1) Lesson Description, (2) Lesson, and (3) Supplementary Resources and References. In Module 4, you created a Design Proposal that focused on a written plan to address Parts 1 and 2 of the Design Guide. In this module, you will focus on developing a prototype that includes all part of the Design Guide. However, most of your effort be developing lesson materials for Part 2, and refining Part 3, the supplementary resources and reference section that summarizes the relevant citations and attributions.