Evaluating Open Educational Resources

Evaluation Options

There are many ways you can evaluate OERs for use and repurposing. Yuan and Recker (2015) Links to an external site. identified and reviewed 14 quality rubrics for OERs, each of which varies in quality, and by purpose. A sampling of these rubrics includes:

Our OER Evaluation Rubric

For the purpose of this course and the exercises that follow in this module, the course creator(s) have adapted one of these rubrics Links to an external site. under the terms and conditions of its license for your use. Click on the image below to open the rubric within Google Docs Links to an external site. where you can print or make a copy of the document. 

OER Course Rubric.png

Scroll through the OER Evaluation Rubric below to view the evaluation criteria:

*Sorry about the article paywall(s). Hopefully that articulates the importance of open!