Design Practice: Aligning the Standards Exercise

Exercise.pngExercise Overview

In this exercise, it is your turn to review a completed lesson plan, and align the lesson standards, lesson goal, resources, and learner tasks. Before we move on, let's take a moment and review what we have covered so far in this module:

  1. We introduced you to the College and Career Readiness Standards (CCRS), and we shared how to locate, read and interpret the standards for both the English Language Arts / Literacy and Mathematical Standards.
  2. You explored how to establish a topic for your lesson.
  3. You reviewed how to develop lesson objectives based on your topic.
  4. We discussed student assessment of the learning objectives.

Next, you will work with an alignment tool to assist you in verifying that learning objectives, instructional resources, and lesson tasks and assessments align with the chosen educational standard. This tool will help you to determine if the resources to teach standards at the right level of depth and complexity. We will introduce this tool within the lesson example we have used during this module.

Example.png Back to our example ...

Take a look at the information below. So far, we have created and identified:

  • Topic:  The Penny: Intermediate Reading Activity
  • Purpose / Goal of Instruction:  The purpose of this lesson is for students to learn new vocabulary, practice reading, and hone their conversation skills while learning about the use of the penny in the United States.
  • Learning Objectives: By the end of this lesson, the adult learners should be able to:

    • Brainstorm ideas and write words to describe a penny when working with peers in a small group. 
    • Given a worksheet of vocabulary words pertaining to the penny, discuss word meanings with peers and write the definition on the worksheet.
    • Recognize and implement the defined vocabulary words into the incomplete sentences.
    • Participate in a debate to discuss if the penny should be eliminated from the United States currency.
    • Articulate their opinion in writing on their position if the penny should be kept or eliminated from the United States currency providing logically ordered reasons supported by facts and details.

Check.pngExercise Instructions

* Source: The Penny: ESOL Intermediate Reading Activity” by Joanna Stratman under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 license Links to an external site.

Please advance to the next page to see a sample response to this exercise.