Module 7: Overview

Decide - Submitting Your Final Deliverable


Learning Objectives

By the end of this module, you should be able to:

  • Synthesize expert and peer formative evaluation feedback into a list of necessary design changes.
  • Develop a final deliverable in Open Author based on feedback from prototype formative evaluation.
  • Submit a final deliverable to add to Designers for Learning Adult Learning Zone Group using Open Author based on the project requirements and Design Guide.
  • Verify your completion of the Instructional Design Service Badge and Certificate of Recognition requirements for this course.


Key topics covered in this module include:

  • Synthesizing evaluation feedback
  • Instructional Development in Open Author
  • Instructional Design Service Badge and Certificate of Recognition

Context Summary

In this module, you will finalize your design and development work by editing your lessons incorporating your final decisions. Building off the formative evaluation in Module 6, you will now improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and appeal of the instructional materials you designed and developed my making final adjustments to your lesson. Using the prototypes developed within Open Author and the feedback you receive during the formative evaluation, you will make final changes to your lesson and submit your final project. For those interested in receiving an Instructional Design Service Badge and Certificate of Recognition, you will verify completion of the requirements, and conclude the course by unlocking your Instructional Design Service Badge and printing out your Certificate of Recognition.

Relevance to Practice

At this final stage of the design project, you will decide the extent to which your prototype is acceptable as your final deliverable. If feedback from the formative evaluation suggests changes need to be made, you will decide upon what edits will improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and appeal of the instructional materials you submit for your learner audience. 

Module Design Credit