Module 6: Overview

Evaluate - Refining Your Design Through Formative Evaluation


Learning Objectives

By the end of this module, you should be able to:

  • Contrast formative and summative evaluation.
  • Describe the purpose of formative evaluation.
  • Identify the evaluation criteria of the Achieve rubrics Links to an external site. for open educational resources.
  • Conduct a formative evaluation of an educational resource.


Topics covered in this module include:

Context Summary

In this module, we will consider how formative evaluation during the design process can improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and appeal of the instructional materials we design and develop. Using the prototypes participants in this class developed within Open Author, we will conduct a formative evaluation using the Achieve rubrics. 

Relevance to Practice

As mentioned several times in this course, design is an iterative process. As we take countless steps to analyze the needs and constraints, synthesize to generate possible solutions, and simulate our best model, it is important to periodically pause and ask, "Will this work as intended?" This active reflection is part of the evaluation stage. An analogy to evaluation shared within the Delft Design Guide is "You check how you look in the mirror, and consider whether you are dressed suitably for the weather" (Boeijen, 2013, p. 19).

Key Terms

  • Formative Evaluation
  • Summative Evaluation

Module Design Credit