Activities for Open Teaching and MOOCs

Activities for Open Teaching and MOOCs

Have you ever taken an open online course (before this one)? What was your experience like? How would you redesign open online courses, if you could? What should I do to improve this course? (Don't be bashful - I want to make this course as good as I can!)

Does the cMOOC / xMOOC distinction matter in practice? As long as the courses are free-to-enroll, why does it matter whether or not the course content is openly licensed? Are the xMOOCs a step ahead for access to educational opportunity, since they seem to have such popular appeal? Or are they a step backward from cMOOCs, since they abandon open licensing and other core cMOOC pedagogical values? Publish your answers to these questions, in writing or in video, on your blog.

Remember - to submit (aka share) your work all you have to do is publish your blog post!

Also: Spend some time searching Google for videos, tutorials, and other information about MOOCs. Bookmark what you find on Delicious Links to an external site. and tag it using the tags "ioe13" and "mooc" (without the quotation marks). See what others have tagged here Links to an external site..