What now? (Information about certificates etc)
Week 8
Once you have completed the course there are two ways to get a certificate:
- Firstly, you can go to the next section (providing you have completed everything) and download a certificate in a pdf format which you can then print. This is a generic certificate and will not have your details on it.
- Secondly, you can get a validated certificate with your name on by:
- Going to the next section and completing a survey which is used to capture your details as you would like them on a certificate, and the correct address for posting;
- Following this link to our LSBU 'Click and Buy' site Links to an external site., ordering the certificate and paying £20 (which covers postage and administrative costs). We will then print a certificate with your name on, stamp it with the LSBU stamp to validate it, and post it out to you at the address you have given.
Canvas closes these MOOC sites quite quickly after the end of week 8, so be sure to get a certificate before that happens.
Studying with LSBU
The School of Health and Social Care has an excellent reputation in CPPD for health and social care, being the largest provider of CPPD for the health and social care workforce in the South East of the UK. We have 2 campuses from which CPPD is delivered, one at Southwark and one at Havering, offering easy access to the whole of London and Essex. So why choose LSBU?
State of the Art Facilities in Central London
We’ve invested over £2 million to create the landmark K2 building which houses a range of state-of-the-art facilities for the Faculty, including a suite of skills laboratories featuring the very latest health care innovations, right in the heart of Central London. These superb facilities provide an ideal environment for clinical skills development and simulation learning using the latest technologies. They are equipped with facilities for teaching a variety of skills in a safe environment, allowing participants to develop high levels of competence and confidence under close supervision.
Preparing the healthcare workforce of tomorrow
Our CPPD is innovative and contemporary to meet the future needs of the healthcare workforce. We are constantly developing our portfolio in line with the changes to the health and social care systems and developing new ways to meet the demands for education. Many of our portfolio is interprofessional, supporting the plans for integration of healthcare services.
CPPD for all Levels of health and social care
Unusually for a University, we offer programmes for all levels of healthcare staff. These include study days, diplomas and foundation degrees for staff working in bands 1-4, top up degrees for health care professionals wishing to become graduates, specialist modules, master’s programmes and professional doctorates for a variety of healthcare professionals.
A Flexible Modular approach to CPPD
Our CPPD Portfolio is flexible, allowing you to study and reach your goals at your own pace. You may wish to try one module at a time, or apply for a whole year, but the flexibility that we offer allows you to meet the demands of your working and personal life, whilst studying for your future career.
Apply at the click of a mouse
Our new website allows you to browse for CPPD and apply on line Links to an external site., with no need to fill out lots of paperwork. Apply within 5 minutes using our system, and if your employer has offered to fund you, our system will even get their authorisation before your application is processed. You application will be processed with ease and you will receive an e mail at every step of the process.
Programmes designed jointly with service colleagues
Our CPPD portfolio has been designed in partnership with our service colleagues to ensure that it meets the developing needs of the health and social care workforce. We work with a number of world renowned NHS Trusts to design and deliver our CPPD Portfolio.
Programmes delivered by clinical experts
Undertaking CPPD at LSBU means that you will be learning from clinical experts with excellent knowledge and clinical skills in their area of speciality. Many of our academic staff hold joint posts between LSBU and some of London’s most prestigious hospitals and healthcare services.
Research Opportunities
There are thirteen professors in the School; these include professors in all branches of nursing, midwifery, in public health and health promotion, occupational therapy, traditional Chinese medicine and social work. The Professors lead research and development in their specialist areas working in collaboration with local service providers and all make a contribution to the Schools teaching portfolio. The School offers Professional Doctorate for all healthcare professionals as well as PhD/MPhil awards.
Staying in touch
Don't forget that you can join our Linkedin group Links to an external site. if you want to stay in touch. You can also follow us on Twitter @LSBU_HSC.
We have three MOOCs starting in January:
- What Matters: Understanding Mental Health (January 12th): This course is aimed at health care workers in the National Health Service (NHS) here in the UK. There is an expectation that course participants will have an understanding of how health and social care is delivered in the UK, and a reasonable knowledge of the roles and responsibilities of the various workers found in NHS and social care settings. However, the material in this course will also be useful for health care workers in other countries, as well as service users and carers. In order to meet the needs of this potentially wide range of participants, the materials are organised into “universal” and “advanced” levels. The learning and teaching materials are supported by a drama that unfolds over six episodes, and follows the journey of Mrs. Carol Price as she becomes ill but goes on to recover.
- Deteriorating Patient: Assessment, Recognition & Management (January 12th): This course is aimed at health care workers in the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK who need to understand how to recognise and intervene with a patient whose physical condition deteriorates. There is an expectation that course participants will have an understanding of how health and social care is delivered in the UK, and a reasonable knowledge of the roles and responsibilities of the various workers found in NHS and social care settings. However, the material in this course will also be useful for health care workers in other countries, as well as service users and careers. In order to meet the needs of this potentially wide range of participants, the materials are organised into “universal” and “advanced” levels. The learning and teaching materials are supported by a drama that unfolds over six episodes, and follows the journey of Mr. Gary Mitchell as he becomes ill but goes on to recover.
Supporting eLearners (This will list on the 17th November and starts on the 26th January): Say “no more” to online course designs that create isolated and unsupported learning environments. It is clear that the construction and delivery of eLearning materials needs to be different from traditional classroom techniques, and the support for participants needs to be stronger. This course enables those involved in delivering or supporting eLearning activities, to experience and explore what it means to be an eLearner. as well as looking at the current evidence and research into this important and developing area. The course is highly interactive, and uses a wide variety of online techniques and tools.The course covers:
- What is eLearning? Definitions and explorations
- eLearning pedagogy
- eLearning technologies
- The successful eLearner
- Assessment Tutorial.
- Mentoring eLearners.
- Collaborative environments..
- eAssessment.
- The personal tutor online.
Now available for credit through London South Bank University
Supporting eLearners is an accredited module in the MA Practice Education programme at London South Bank University (LSBU). It is aimed at anyone delivering education and training to adults. This free online course will run alongside, and integrate with the module being run at LSBU. If you are a qualified teacher (at PGCHE level or above), and are interested in undertaking the accredited module at LSBU, please contact us at hscopen@lsbu.ac.uk.