STEP 3: Playtesting

STEP 3: Playtesting

Hopefully, you have generated a few ideas for your Main Quest and created a playable prototype. Now it's time to test, test, and re-test! Module 4 really stressed the importance of playtesting. The following steps will help iron out those important 'kinks' in your game design:

  • Playtest with game designers
    Continue solo-testing your game until it is ready for playtesting with other designers. When your game is ready, arrange a playtest session with other designers. Also, it's a good idea to playtest other people’s games. Keep track of the number of person-hours spent in the playtest of your own game (not including yourself), and give at least that many hours of your own time towards helping your fellow participants.

  • Playtest with non-game designers
    After your playtest session with designers, arrange a playtest session with non-designers. Time permitting, you may continue to run additional playtest sessions, either with designers or non-designers. Remember, the more times you play, the more iterations you have to improve game design.

  • Blindtest your game
    After the non-designer playtest session, find a blindtest group and arrange for a blindtesting session.