MODULE 1 Group Play
(Asynchronous Play)
Dixit is a clever party game that teaches puzzle design. In Dixit, one attempts to creates a puzzle that befuddles all but one player. The hardest part of puzzle making is crafting a puzzle that is just right, between too easy and impossible. Dixit will help you realize that what seems obvious to you may be obscure for others. If you already checked out Agricola solo from the Game Play Library, you have an account with play-by-web site BAJ, boiteajeux.net Links to an external site.. Form group of 4-5 and start games on BAJ.
Game info:
Overview > http://playthisthing.com/dixit-odyssey Links to an external site.
Tutorial video > http://youtu.be/J6UlbxeDE0w
Links to an external site.
Rules > http://en.libellud.com/games/dixit#tabs-3 Links to an external site.
Online play > boiteajeux.net Links to an external site.
Starting a game on BAJ:
- Form a team of 4-5.
- Point your browser to boiteajeux.net Links to an external site., click on US/British for English.
- Register and share your BAJ user names with your team.
- Pick a team representative to start one game.
- Representative, log into boiteajeux.net Links to an external site.
- Select NEW GAME
- Choose Type: DIXIT
- Name the game GDC-[your-team-name]
- Put all your team user names in the field called Guest:
- Number of players = number of teammates
- Choose your language of choice
- Launch game with button labeled: ADD
When you make a move on BAJ, an email will be sent by BAJ server telling the next player to make a move. Since one slow person can holdup a game, it is advisable that you hedge your bets by playing more games with different people. Recruit others to play three additional games. Players should not overlap in any of the games to ensure that one no-show cannot stop all four games.
Next, share what you learned with the community. Include the following in your post:
- Briefly summarize who played and how the game went.
What was your strategy and what would you differently the next time?
What game mechanics did you like?
You don’t need to include much detail; a sentence or two for each of the three points is fine.
After you have completed your group play, post your commentary in the FORUMS. Read the commentary for other student groups in the FORUMS and see if others had similar or varying experiences.
Please select the Game-mechanics-research folder when posting your initial post and use hashtag #dixit.