[ALL LEVELS] Good Grief - Griefing Fun!

MODULE 2 Side Quest

Let’s practice our ability to find mechanics that give rise to a specific kind of fun. The kind of fun we’ll be considering here is griefing (that is, deriving enjoyment from the act of ruining other people’s enjoyment).

Create a concept for a game that is built to appeal specifically to griefers (i.e. Bartle’s “Killer” player type). Post it in the forums. You do not need to create the rules for a game. Just create a concept that includes enough information to communicate what the gameplay would be like

Your post should include the following:

  • Target medium or platform. Is this a PC game? Console? Board or card game? Tabletop RPG?
  • Number of players
  • A paragraph or two describing the game concept
  • Another paragraph explaining why this concept will appeal to the target market.

After you have completed your challenge, post your commentary in the FORUMS. Tell us what you did and some of the challenges you faced during this side quest.

Feel free to read other student posts and offer constructive analysis and critique.

Please select the Side-quest folder when posting your initial post and use hashtag #griefing.