Badgr Pro

What is Badgr Pro?

Badgr Pro is a paid upgrade to the free Badgr service and is only available in Canvas courses. Badgr Pro provides offering rich learning analytics to help teachers and administrators understand badging activity at their institutions. Badgr Pro analytics may be purchased Links to an external site. on a per-course basis, or as a subscription for a whole Canvas account or sub-account.

Institutions of all sizes can use Badgr Pro to deeply understand and report on course metrics and student learning achievements across the courses in their Canvas account.

  • See which badges students are earning – Get a window into the skills that are being recognized in your institution and how many students are learning them.
  • Determine what teachers and courses are most effective with badges – Get an overview of the courses awarding the most badges and drill deep into each course's award data to see how different teachers are using badges. Compare the effectiveness of different course approaches to recognizing the same skills.
  • Notice which badges are shared more frequently – Understand how your students are claiming and sharing their Open Badges to their social media presence on LinkedIn and Facebook.
  • Observe badge analytics at the account level - See how the same badge performs in different courses or over time. 
  • Sign up for the beta program – Get started with a pilot of Badgr Pro right away! We have a limited number of spaces available in our beta program. Contact us for details at

badge shares.png badgr analytics top awards.png

 Example views of badge analytics