Adding Badgr to a Canvas Course

Adding the Badgr App to Canvas 

Watch this short video and/or read the step-by-step instructions below.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  • The teacher or Canvas admin who adds the integration to their course, sub-account or domain needs a Badgr account to get started.
    • Sign up for free here Links to an external site. using the same email address you use for Canvas. (You may add other email addresses to your Badgr account later). Confirm your account by following the instructions sent to your email.
    • If you are the first teacher from your school to add Badgr to a course, Badgr staff will need to authorize your integration. Email and provide your canvas server url (e.g. "") to request a free connection.
  • Log into Badgr and click App Integrations under the My Account menu at the top of the screen.




  •  Click the Canvas LTI tile


Badgr Canvas App Tile 


Consumer Key and Shared Secret

After clicking the Canvas tile, you will be shown your Consumer Key and Shared Secret. Use the button to copy and paste this information into Canvas.




Back in Canvas...

  • Select course settings from the course navigation sidebar (logged in with your teacher account)
  • If you see Badgr in the EduAppStore list, select it from the list and click "Add App".



Don't have the EduAppStore?

  • Click the "View App Configurations" button at the top of the screen, then click "+ App"
  • If you have a "Configuration Type" option, select "By URL"

add app by url.png

  • You will see a configuration window like one of the below. 

Badgr-AppStore-Config-Dialog.png  Badgr-Manual-App-Config-Dialog.png

  • Copy and paste the values from your LTI Info screen Links to an external site. in Badgr into the configuration window and submit. When you refresh your page, you will see a new "Badges" tab in the course navigation.

Congratulations! You've installed Badgr in your course!


If you have any questions or run into difficulty on this process, feel free to contact Badgr help at