Digital Storytelling Assignment
Your Healthcare Experience
Tell a personal story of your experience with the healthcare system where you live. This can be at the local, state, or national level, private, public or non-profit.
Please select an experience which you are comfortable sharing with others.
Suggested talking points in your story:
- Challenges with access to appropriate healthcare
- Cost
- Your experience with a healthcare provider
Pre Production
- Create your script - Just as Hollywood movies begin with a script, so to should digital stories. In fact, the writing process is probably the most important element in a planning and creating a good digital story. Digital stories require clear, concise, and often highly creative writing as a foundation. Additionally the old adage, "if it ain't on the page, then it ain't on the stage," applies to digital stories. Without a rough draft or a script, how do you know what graphics, video, sounds, or music will be needed?
- Develop a storyboard -Use this storyboard template to organize your video. Download Use this storyboard template to organize your video.
- Gather Resources -Be mindful of your country's copyright law!
- Collect images from the internet:You can find some good image sources here
- Find appropriate background music/sounds effects: music and sound effect sources here
- Take images with a camera/cellphone
- Record your narration -: This can be done from a computer with a microphone or a cell phone. Since there are multiple ways to do this, do a Google Search on "how to record audio on a computer"
- Putting it all together: Use either Microsoft Moviemaker Links to an external site. or Apple iMovie Links to an external site.. Use tutorials to learn how to use these applications.
- Create a new project. Upload your images and audio to the program.
- Add image files to create this video. Remember, you do not need to have actual video clips to create a video.
- Do not include copryrighted images or music. You may use photos you have taken or take photos just for this assignment, too. Create the video that follows your storyboard.
- Include the following:
- a title slide
- ending credits (to include image and audio sources)
- at least 4 transitions
- at least 2 video effects
- audio voiceover and/or musical background
- 1-2 minutes in length
- creativity
- Save the movie as " yourname-digitalstory ".
IMPORTANT!!! When working in the video applications, you are creating a Project. This, however, is not the final product.
- In MovieMaker, choose Finish Movie >Save to my computer. Remember where it is being saved. This is the file you will upload to Canvas
- In iMovie, choose Share.
Submission Guidelines
- Please read and explore the rest of the files on this Module 1 about "Digital Story Telling". After that feel free to submit on the Discussion opened this week called: "Week 1: My Views of Global Health Care" a short video/digital story presentation. This is not a required assignment, but a way to explore other forms of communication and share our Views of Global Health Care in a more creative way. To upload your file on the Discussion Board please follow this instructions. Click here for directions on how to upload your video Links to an external site.