Digital Storytelling Assignment

Your Healthcare Experience

Tell a personal story of your experience with the healthcare system where you live.    This can be at the local, state, or national level, private, public or non-profit. 

Please select an experience which you are comfortable sharing with others. 

Suggested talking points in your story:

  • Challenges with access to appropriate healthcare
  • Cost
  • Your experience with a healthcare provider


Pre Production

  1. Create your script - Just as Hollywood movies begin with a script, so to should digital stories. In fact, the writing process is probably the most important element in a planning and creating a good digital story. Digital stories require clear, concise, and often highly creative writing as a foundation. Additionally the old adage, "if it ain't on the page, then it ain't on the stage," applies to digital stories. Without a rough draft or a script, how do you know what graphics, video, sounds, or music will be needed?
  2. Develop a storyboard - Download Use this storyboard template to organize your video.
  3. Gather Resources -Be mindful of your country's copyright law!
  • Collect images from the internet:You can find some good image sources here
  • Find appropriate background music/sounds effects: music and sound effect sources here
  • Take images with a camera/cellphone


  1. Record your narration -: This can be done from a computer with a microphone or a cell phone.  Since there are multiple ways to do this, do a Google Search on "how to record audio on a computer"
  2. Putting it all together: Use either Microsoft Moviemaker Links to an external site. or Apple iMovie Links to an external site.. Use tutorials to learn how to use these applications.
  3. Create a new project. Upload your images and audio to the program.
  4. Add image files to create this video. Remember, you do not need to have actual video clips to create a video.
  5. Do not include copryrighted images or music. You may use photos you have taken or take photos just for this assignment, too. Create the video that follows your storyboard.
  6. Include the following:
    • a title slide
    • ending credits (to include image and audio sources)
    • at least 4 transitions
    • at least 2 video effects
    • audio voiceover and/or musical background
    • 1-2 minutes in length
    • creativity
  7. Save the movie as " yourname-digitalstory ".


  • IMPORTANT!!! When working in the video applications, you are creating a Project. This, however, is not the final product.
    • In  MovieMaker, choose Finish Movie >Save to my computer. Remember where it is being saved.  This is the file you will upload to Canvas
    • In  iMovie, choose Share.

 Submission Guidelines

  1. Please read and explore the rest of the files on this Module 1 about "Digital Story Telling". After that feel free to submit on the Discussion opened this week called: "Week 1: My Views of Global Health Care" a short video/digital story presentation. This is not a required assignment, but a way to explore other forms of communication and share our Views of Global Health Care in a more creative way. To upload your file on the Discussion Board please follow this instructions. Click here for directions on how to upload your video Links to an external site.