I. Module 4 Quiz 1: States and Complete Markets

  • Due No due date
  • Points 12
  • Questions 12
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts 3


In lecture, I claimed that one could synthesize contingent claims when there were fewer securities than states, by dynamic trading. Let's work out an example. There are two dates. There are two securities: 1) A stock has price 1 and either rises or declines LaTeX: \{u,d\}=\{1.2, 0.9\} in each state. 2) A one-period risk-free rate with 0% return, i.e. payoff LaTeX: \{1,1\} and price 1.

(This is a "nonrecombining binomial tree.")

Find the dynamic trading strategy that creates a contingent claim to the first of the final states, that is, if the "up" move occurs twice in a row. This means, find the investment in stock and bond LaTeX: \{h_0, k_0\} at the first node, and the investment LaTeX: \{h_{1u}, k_{1u}, h_{1d}, k_{1d}\} in each of the two nodes at time 1 that produces the final payoff LaTeX: \{1,0,0,0\}. Find also the time-0 price of this contingent claim, LaTeX: p(uu). 

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