Final discussion webinar (live): Emerging Issues
This will be a two-handed webinar by Brian Mulligan and Linda Hegarty from Institute of Technology Sligo where we will answer questions on issues that have been emerging during the this delivery of the MOOC "Making MOOCs on a Budget". Feel free to submit your questions beforehand through the discussion forum in this module or in the comments area in Youtube. Links to an external site.
It will take place at 6pm (Brussels time) on Monday the 28th of November.
Update: On the next page, you can find a slightly edited version of the live webinar recording below, as well as some short videos that we made from the content. This was an experiment to see if we could use a webinar as a low-cost way of generating content, but improve the format with some low-effort editing.
Let us know what you think (in the discussion forum) - could these shorter videos be used as learning objects in a MOOC?
Click on this link to view or comment on Youtube. Links to an external site.