Institutional Services: Introduction and Overview

In this section of the course we will be looking at the issue of low-cost production of MOOCs from the point of view of an institution that wishes to create multiple MOOCs with subject matter experts (SMEs) who may not have the skills or knowledge to construct them on their own.  Should the SMEs acquire these skills?  Should the institution provide services for these SMEs?  We know that as soon as teams are formed costs increase substantially.  What skills do SMEs need to acquire?  What functions can we do without?  How do we organise operations to minimise workload and thus costs but still maintaining acceptable quality.  In this section we will try to answer some of these questions and suggest some approaches that can help.  Remember that this is a new field with tools new tools and techniques emerging all the time and your contributions are welcome. (A discussion forum for all videos is available at the end of the topic) Enjoy!


  • Introduction and Overview (this section)
  • Hardware, Software, Facilities and Support Services
  • Division of Labour
  • Quality Assurance
  • Workflow

Video: Overview of Institutional Services