Webcasting/Webinars for MOOCs
Webinars are live events where video (head-shot, screen-share, slides) and audio are broadcast over the web (webcast) and participants can interact with the presenter. Once set up, they can be extremely easy and cheap (if not free) to deliver, and so require a limited amount of effort.
On this course, webinars will be dealt with through a live, interactive webinar - the medium is the message!
Can webinars be used as a substitute for recorded videos in a MOOC? Can webinar technology be used to create short recordings for a MOOC?. These are examples of questions which will be addressed in the webinar.
This live webinar will take place on Thursday the 27th of October, 2016 at 1pm (Brussels). Don't worry if you miss the live event, the recording will automatically be posted on this page.
Estimated time: 15 - 30 minutes.
To ask questions during the webinar, use the #moocs4all Links to an external site. hashtag on twitter or use the chat feature on Youtube
Login and watch it here on Youtube
Links to an external site.