Home page - About this course
Making MOOCs on a Budget is an online course designed to teach you how to develop a Massive Open Online Course at an affordable cost. It will run over a six-week period, during which time you will learn about:
- Planning a MOOC-building project
- Designing MOOCs based on pedagogical approaches that facilitate effective learning,
- Tools and techniques for creating videos and other learning materials,
- Sourcing relevant learning materials from the web for your MOOC,
- Developing assessments at large scale through the use of quizzes and peer assignments,
- Promoting your MOOC and retaining your learners.
Discussion forums on this course will remain open for a period of three months after the end of the course, as a source of additional support from tutors and fellow participants to anyone who wishes to build a MOOC.
Each week, a new module will be released which you can access through the 'Modules' link on the left of this page.
More about this course
To get started in this course, please visit the Course orientation page