Netiquette: The Golden Rules for online courses


Welcome to Canvas Network! We’re excited to have you with us. You’ll have the chance to share with, discuss, and learn not only from wonderful instructors, but also classmates from all over the world.

Before you start, we at Canvas Network would like to talk a little bit about Netiquette for your Canvas Network course.

Netiquette is a set of guidelines for online interaction. We’d like you to consider these things as you make your way through your online course in order to help you, and your classmates, have an engaging and positive experience.


Guideline 1

Watch the tone of your writing. In online written communication, it’s difficult to understand the tone of what someone is saying. Things like sarcasm don’t come through as well, and may be offensive.

Guideline 2

Avoid using all CAPS when you type. Written communication is different than spoken. In the world of online communication, CAPS are used to communicate anger, frustration, or extreme excitement, as if you were yelling. Be selective when using all CAPS.

Guideline 3

Treat others in a polite and respectful manner. Canvas Network learners come from diverse backgrounds and have differing ideas and opinions. Our courses are meant to create environments that allow you to think critically and interact with your classmates. We expect our learners to be respectful of other’s opinions as they proceed through our courses. Learners who are disrespectful may be removed from the Canvas Network course. You may agree or disagree with someone’s ideas, but do it respectfully. A good way to approach it is to acknowledge what they have said, showing that you understand and are listening, before sharing your own viewpoint.

Here are some phrases you might want to consider:

I understand your point of view on __________, but I disagree because….

I see where you’re coming from on _____________; however I feel that…

Any way you choose, just remember to be respectful.

Guideline 4

Even though this is an online course that you’ve chosen to take on your own, the work should be your own. Academic honesty is a key to any learning community. Please do not plagiarize other students, sites, etc. We want to read what you have to say, not what someone else has to say. Also, do not take other people’s work from your course and claim it as your own elsewhere. If you want to expand on something, please ask for permission. This is a private learning community and a safe space, so honesty and integrity are important.

Guideline 5

Check Your Spelling. In online communication, things like spelling and grammar are important. Do your best to proof your spelling, or else it may become distracting.

Guideline 6

Do not post Spam, advertising, or inappropriate content in the discussion boards. The discussions are meant for academic purposes only, and are meant to be a place for you to share ideas and discuss the course. Please respect the course, your fellow learners, and your instructors by not posting anything that:

  • encourages illegal activities
  • insults, harasses, or threatens others
  • violates copyright or intellectual property secrets
  • contains obscene material
  • harms others
  • advertises or sells a product or service

If you do participate in any of these activities, you may be asked to leave the course and the Canvas Network community. 

Guideline 7

At times you’ll need to post a question in the help message boards or in other discussions. If given the opportunity, make sure to glance through the message board to make sure someone else has not asked/answered the same question. This will save you and your instructor time. If you have technical questions, you might want to check the Canvas Guides before posting your question.


Remember that while taking your course, people can’t see your face or read your expressions, things that are key to human communication. In this course, people can only rely on your words. Make sure that you’re keeping that in mind as you share you opinions and knowledge with the rest of your fellow learners. Be respectful and professional and you’ll be just fine.

We appreciate you taking the time to learn a little about Netiquette and we look forward to seeing you in our Canvas Network courses!