Getting Started with Canvas

New to Canvas?

If you are new to Canvas you'll notice that while some things look and act similarly to how they look and act in Oncourse, there are some tools and features that are new and different.

Please note that if you are using assistive technology, the Vimeo video player is not accessible so please see the matching text resources linked below each video.

Canvas offers a wide array of student help guides. Need to know how to do something? Check out the Canvas Student Guide Links to an external site.

Script for video Links to an external site.

Supported Browsers

Canvas runs on Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, or any other device with a modern web browser.

Canvas supports the last two versions of every browser release. We highly recommend updating to the newest version of whatever browser you are using as well as the most up-to-date Flash plug-in. (Best Browsers for Canvas Links to an external site.)


Communicating in Canvas


Please use the Canvas Inbox tool (shown at the left side of every page) to communicate with us about the course.  If you see a gray circle next to the Inbox that means you have unread messages. The number in the circle indicates how many unread messages you have. Canvas messages are an official means of communication so make a point of checking these messages regularly.


Setting your Notifications

By default, your notifications will go to your student email address. If you would like your notifications to go to an additional email address and/or if you would like to add notifications via text message, you can add these options to your notification preferences in the Account tool on the left of the page and then choose "Settings". Once you are on the Settings page, you will see a place to the right of the page to add a new email address or an "Other Contact" which would be your cell phone number if you would like text messages.

For more information or help, check out this Canvas video tutorial.

Canvas Guide on setting notifications Links to an external site.and Video Script Links to an external site.

Adding your Profile Picture

Whenever you send a message in the Canvas Inbox or post to a Discussion, your message or post will feature your profile picture. It is very helpful to have a picture there so people can connect a name with a face, and you can get to know each other. profileblank.jpg

To add a profile picture, click Account and choose "Profile." Click the grey placeholder profile picture icon to get a pop up window where you can add your picture.  Click the Upload a Picture tab and either choose a picture or drag one from your desktop and drop it into the uploader. Canvas will automatically store a copy of the new profile picture in your personal files.

For more information/help, check out this Canvas video tutorial.

Canvas Guide on setting your profile picture Links to an external site. and Video Script Links to an external site.

More Canvas Student Orientations

You can also check out these short Canvas videos to help you with tasks in Canvas:

Canvas iOS and Android Apps

Although Canvas can be accessed through a mobile browser, it is not officially supported. Instead, they recommend using the Canvas by Instructure app.  The app is compatible with the following mobile operating systems, on both tablets and mobile phones:

  • iOS 7.0+
  • Android 4.0+

The app can be downloaded through the Play Store on Android, or the App Store on iOS devices. Search for "Canvas by Instructure" and install. For more information and a link to the mobile guides from Canvas, visit Accessing Canvas via Mobile Apps on the IU Knowledge Base.

When logging in for the first time, the Canvas app will ask for your institution's url. Enter in this field. From there, you will be taken to Central Authentication Services where you should enter your IU email address and password to log in.

Getting Help

Clicking on the Help icon at the bottom of the left side toolbar is also a great way to find information about Canvas.


Help allows you to do the following:

  • Ask your Instructor a Question,
  • Search the Canvas Guides, or
  • Report a Problem to UITS