Getting Started: Modules, Content, & Discussions


Teaching with Canvas tools

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Using Modules

The Modules Tool is the easy way to organize your content by week, unit, topic, or whatever grouping you like. The recommended way to use Modules is to put your Content Pages, Assignments, Files, Discussions, and Quizzes into their respective Module (in the order you would like your students to review them) so that your students have one place to look for everything they need. This reduces the "where is . . .. " questions throughout the semester. This course is organized in Modules by topic. Deactivating the left side navigation options for Pages, Assignments, Files, Discussions, etc. reduces confusion created by having multiple views. You can deactivate navigation items in Settings by choosing the "Navigation" tab and clicking the gear to the right of each tool.

TIP: Instead of adding a file by uploading it directly to a Module, adding them in the Files Tool and then inserting a link to the file in context on the Page or in the Assignment instructions makes it easier for students to find.

Canvas Guide for Modules Links to an external site. and Modules Video Script Links to an external site.

Creating Content Pages

Pages (aka Wiki Pages) are where you put your content and other materials using the Rich Content Editor. The page you are reading right now is a page from the Canvas Pages Tool.  

Accessibility Note icon When creating content pages, the built-in formatting including headings, bulleted lists, and numbered lists must be used for the page to be accessible to screen readers. For more on making your pages accessible see Improving Accessibility in Your Course.

TIP: There are apps that you can use to add additional types of content to your pages such as charts, graphs, and maps. They are in Settings on the Apps tab. 

Canvas Guide for Creating Pages Links to an external site. and Pages Video Script Links to an external site.

Using the Rich Content Editor

The rich text editor is available almost everywhere in Canvas where you would enter text. You can use the rich text editor to format text, insert images or video, and link to other sites.

Canvas Guide on using the Rich Content Editor Links to an external site. and Rich Content Editor Video Script Links to an external site.

Using Discussions

Discussion forums in Canvas can be open to the entire class or restricted to student groups.  To set up groups for small group discussion you use the "+Groups" button in the People Tool Links to an external site.. (There is also a video about setting up and managing groups Links to an external site.)

TIP: Make sure to always click the "Allow Threaded Replies" checkbox when creating a discussion.  Threaded replies were automatic in Oncourse but they must be activated manually for each discussion in Canvas.

Canvas Guide on Discussions Links to an external site.and Creating Discussions Video Script Links to an external site.