Resources for Online Presence
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Creating a Sense of Instructor Presence in the Online Classroom Links to an external site.
Kanuka, H., & Garrison, R. (2004). Cognitive Presence in Online Learning (pdf, 916k). Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 15(2), 21-39.
Garrison, D. R., & Cleveland-Innes, M. (2005). Facilitating cognitive presence in online learning: Interaction is not enough (pdf, 69k). American Journal of Distance Education 19(3), 133-148.
Pelletier, P. (2013). What online teachers need to know. Faculty Focus
Anderson, T., Rourke L., Garrison, D. R., & Archer, W. (2001). Assessing teaching presence in a computer conferencing context (pdf, 415k) Links to an external site.. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 5(2), 1-17.
Brindley, J. E., Walti, C., & Blaschke, L. M. (2009). Creating Effective Collaborative Learning Groups in an Online Environment. The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 10(3).
Cormier, A., & Siemens, G. (2010). Through the open door: Open courses as research, learning and engagement. EDUCAUSE Review, 45(4) 30-39.
Joyce, K.M., & Brown, D. (2009). Enhancing social presence in online learning: Mediating strategies applied to social networking tools. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 12(4).
Parker, J., & Herrington, J. (2015). Setting the climate in an authentic online community of learning Links to an external site.. In proceedings of the Australian Association for Research in Education 2015 Annual Conference, University of Notre Dame, Fremantle, WA, USA.
Paz, J., & Pereira, A. (2015). Regulation of learning as distributed teaching presence in the community of inquiry framework Links to an external site.. In the Proceedings of Technology, Colleges, and Community Online Conference 2015: The Future is Now. Honolulu, HI
Philip, I., Curtis, R., Phillips, P., & Wells, J. (2007).Using asynchronous audio feedback to enhance teaching presence and students’ sense of community (pdf, 115k). Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 11(2).
Rourke, L., Garrison, D. R., & Archer, W. (2001). Assessing social presence in asynchronous text-based computer conferencing (pdf, 465k). Journal of Distance Education, 14