5.1.1 Reading: Discussion Interactions

Below includes a couple of examples that visualize discussion interaction data to inform discussion participation and potentially guide student group arrangements or instructor involvement.

A dynamic network graph

We can create a dynamic interactive network graph to visualize discussion interaction. Below includes an example that visualizes student interaction in a discussion forum. The diagram was built in R using visNetwork Links to an external site. package.

Below includes another example that visualizes student interaction within a group and between groups.

We can also create a dynamic network graph  in Tableau Links to an external site. to visualize discussion interactions. Please click on the image below to view a video clip that describes the application of a dynamic network diagram in discussion analysis.animation

The visualization of instructor involvements and student discussion interactions

The following two graphs show student to student and instructor to student discussion interactions in two courses respectively. The two courses were offered in the same term under the same program and contain roughly the same number of enrollments. The discussion requirements specified in the two courses are identical. The results suggest that:

  • Less instructor involvement coincides with more student-to-student interaction
  • More instructor involvement coincides with longer student replies
  • More instructor involvement coincides with greater student self-reflection

Graph 1: Each node represents a student who either received at least one feedback or provided at least one reply to another student. The size of each node suggests the quantity of interactions associated with the student. The thickness of each arrow line implies the length of a reply.


Graph 2: The orange node in the middle represents the instructor who provided at least one reply to students. The size of each node suggests the number of replies made to students. The thickness of the arrow line implies the length of a reply.
