Some Examples of Composition OER

Here are a few more examples of types of open resources that can be used in composition and rhetoric (and beyond).

Small Unit PresentationThis presentation about unity was created using MS PowerPoint but saved as an open document file (for greater access).  Included are outcomes, informational content, and a formative assessment.

Download unity only.odp

Diagnostic ActivityThis activity is helpful for any English course as a beginning-of-semester diagnostic for some of the most common grammar and punctuation errors.  Included are the activity to give to students along with a brief explanation for instructors.

Download Diagnostic w instructions CC BY.odt

Large Unit Presentation

This presentation about evidence is intended to be used over several class periods and includes outcomes, preliminary and formative assessments, individual and/or group activities, as well as informational content.  Note that images in the presentation are either CC-licensed, public domain, or homemade.

Download Evidence CC BY-SA.odp